Relationships at Work Policy

As a Company we do not prohibit our team members from entering consensually into relationships with other team members or from working with friends or relatives provided that relationships of any kind do not affect the performance of team members’ duties or negatively impact on the Company’s business in any way.

We are aware of the possibility that relationships between team members (whether family or other personal relationships) can lead to abuse of position (or the perception of such an abuse) and/or serious conflicts of interest which can be disruptive to our business.

This policy aims to address these potential problems and inform team members of their obligations with respect to their relationships with other team members.

Disclosure of relationships

If you are related in any way (i.e. by birth, adoption, civil partnership or marriage) to, or are in, or start a personal relationship with another team member (or potential team member) of the Company you must:

  • Tell your Manager and disclose and notify the relationship to the HR Team (You can do this simply by email).
  • You should tell your Manager and tell the HR Team also if the relationship should end.

Any other relationship, whether between a team member and an ex-team member or potential team member, contractor, supplier or guest or any of their employees or otherwise, which involves any risk of pressure being brought to bear by one party on the other either within the relationship or in the workplace or which involves any level of risk of a conflict of professional interest, which may adversely affect the Company, its team members, or a supplier or guest of the Company, or any of their team members, must be reported to the HR Team.

The Company may act under the terms of this policy with respect to any such relationship.

Where team members are related in any way or in a relationship, the Company reserves the absolute right with respect to either or both of the team members to:

  • Make such working arrangements as it may deem reasonable and appropriate, for example working different shifts; or
  • Reassign to a different workplace

Our concern is to ensure that all team members are managed, paid and otherwise treated equally, fairly and in an unbiased manner in accordance with our Equality & Diversity Policy.

Therefore, we may direct that either or both team members be reassigned where:

  • There is a direct or indirect supervisory or management relationship between the team members; or
  • One of the team members is employed in a personnel or payroll activity and has influence over the other individual’s pay and conditions of employment; or
  • One of the team members is in a position to exert influence over the other person’s supervisor; or
  • The Company considers that the relationship is disruptive in
    some way to other team members, guests, suppliers or contractors and/or it would be in the interests of the Company, other team members, guests, suppliers or contractors for them to be reassigned; or
  • Such other circumstances exist where the Company considers it would be inappropriate for the team members to continue working together

Failure to adhere to this policy will be dealt with under the Company Disciplinary Procedure

If the Company becomes aware of inappropriate behaviour with respect to employee relationships, any such behaviour will be dealt with under the Company’s Harassment and Bullying Policy and/or Disciplinary and Poor Performance Procedure as appropriate.

December 2022.