1. About this policy
This document sets out the current policy of the Boparan Group and associated businesses, regarding contagious, or communicable, diseases at work. The term “disease” in this policy is used to refer to any type of disease, illness or medical condition.
We make specific reference in this policy to Coronavirus (COVID-19) as, we understand that employees remain concerned about the impact of the outbreak.
This policy is subject to change from time to time and, unless otherwise stated below, does not form part of your contract of employment. This policy applies to all employees working within the Group’s business.
This policy is not part of any contract of employment and does not create contractual rights or obligations. We may amend it at any time without notice, and we may deviate from it where we consider it appropriate to do so. If we do make changes to this policy, we will re-issue the policy in the usual way.
References to the “Handbook” are to the Group’s various handbooks as issued from time to time.
2. Information from us
It is important that we all co-operate to try to reduce the impact of contagious diseases on our work. We expect all employees to act responsibly and co-operate in reducing risks. This includes taking basic protective measures where required.
If the Group is aware of an outbreak of any type of contagious disease whether on a global, national or local level, we will, wherever possible, provide you with information about the situation as well as guidance about good practice and particular issues which affect our business, employees, clients and guests.
3. Information from you
There are specific notification requirements relating to Coronavirus set out in Section 5 below. As regards other contagious diseases, you must inform your Manager immediately if:
If you are not at work when you discover relevant information to be disclosed to us according to the above requirement, then you must inform your Manager by telephone. Your Manager (or someone from HR) will then inform you if you are required to stay away from work.
You should check that we have your contact number(s) and emergency contact number(s).
4. Staying away from work
In most other cases, if you are suffering from symptoms which you believe or suspect may indicate that you could be suffering from a contagious disease, you must not come into work and may be required to self-isolate. You must contact your Manager by telephone, according to the requirement in Section 2, and our usual sickness policies and procedures (please see your handbook) will apply.
In certain circumstances, in consideration of our legal duties to our other employees and our guests, we may direct you to leave work and/or to remain away from work for a certain period of time. These circumstances include, but are not limited to, those set out below:
We will notify you either at the time of our direction that you leave/stay away from work or as soon as possible thereafter, how long you must stay away from work. This could be seven to ten days, although may be a shorter or longer period. The period of time will depend on the circumstances of each case, including, for example, the nature of the disease in question and any impact or potential impact on your health or the health of others at work. You will also be notified if we require you to provide certification of your fitness to return to work.
5. Coronavirus: self-isolation
The government publishes information Coronavirus [https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public].
Coronavirus: if you experience symptoms…
Although the number of cases within the UK are reducing the situation does change day by day; if you experience symptoms which you believe or suspect may indicate that you could be suffering from Coronavirus; you should inform your manager and self-isolate.
6. Ensuring that you can work from home
In certain circumstances and if possible, we may need you to work from home at short notice, please ensure that you take your laptop and mobile phone home with you ideally every day.
7. Temporary instructions to remain away from work, including office closures
In certain circumstances, as a precaution, we may ask you to leave work and/or to remain away from work for a temporary period. We may also decide to close your place of work for a temporary period. If we do this, we are likely to ask you to work from home where this is reasonably possible – see below. We will give more guidance if this happens, taking account of government advice and the circumstances at the time.
8. Working from home
When deciding if you are reasonably able to work from home, we will take account of your health, your responsibilities towards dependants, your job role and the needs of the business.
If you are not required to work from home but you would like to do so, we may permit this but we reserve the right to require workplace attendance on short notice if we consider that you do not need to be at home and we need more employees to be in the place of work.
9. Absence from work
If you are unable to work because you are suffering from a contagious disease, your absence will usually be dealt with under our usual sickness policies and procedures (as set out in your Handbook).
We set out immediately below our approach to pay during a contagious disease outbreak. We will keep this under review in the light of government measures and guidance.
Pay during sickness absence
If you are unable to work because you are unwell or it is suspected you have symptoms of a contagious disease, you will have to stay away from work for the recommended period. Your absence will be dealt with under our usual sickness policies and procedures, and you will be entitled to sick pay in accordance with those usual policies.
10. Time off for dependants
If you have a dependant who is affected by a contagious disease and you need unpaid time off to care for them, our usual policy for these circumstances, which is set out in our Time Off for Dependants policy will apply. Please note that in this situation you may also be advised to self-isolate, as a close contact of someone with a contagious disease.
If schools or nurseries are closed in circumstances relevant to this policy, and you have a dependant who is affected by this, you must inform your manager as soon as possible. You are entitled to take a reasonable amount of time off which is necessary to deal with the situation in accordance with our policy.
Depending upon the length of any school closure, the amount of advance warning you receive and your own circumstances, it may be reasonable for you to put in place alternative arrangements rather than continue to take time off for dependants. It may also be reasonable for you to do some work from home. We will consider this on a case-by-case basis.
Returning to work
In some circumstances, we may not allow you to return to work until you have provided us with appropriate evidence which demonstrates that you are not suffering from, or are now clear from, the suspected contagious disease.
11. Attendance at work
We have explained above that there are some situations in which employees will be advised or required to stay away from work, or where they will need time off for sickness or for dependants. All other employees are expected to attend work as normal.
12. Equipment and/or specific practices and hygiene
In some circumstances, the Group may direct you to use certain practices at work or to wear/use certain equipment in order to minimise the risk of the spread of contagious diseases.
Imaging Camera and PPE
To safeguard the wellbeing of our employees we may utilise a thermal imaging camera. This is used at signposted checkpoints and can quickly identify those individuals with an unusually high temperature.
If you display symptoms of a high temperature, you will not be able to attend work. There are specific requirements about staying away from work and self-isolating relating to contagious diseases.
You should also refer to the Contagious Policy Section 9: Absence from work, to find out how this affects your pay during this time.
You should wash your hands or use hand sanitiser on arriving at work after using public transport, and frequently throughout your working day. Try to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Practice respiratory hygiene, which means covering your mouth or nose with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and then disposing of the used tissue immediately and washing your hands again. We provide sanitisers and wipes and please follow any guidance or advice we may issue to you or display at your workplace.
Vulnerable individuals
Certain individuals may be more at risk of becoming seriously ill if they catch a contagious disease. Please let us know if you are pregnant or if you believe that you have a pre-existing medical condition that might put you at greater risk, such as a weakened immune system, or a long-term condition such as diabetes, cancer or lung disease.
Please also let us know if you live with someone who is particularly vulnerable. We will consult with you about steps it would be reasonable to take to minimise the risk to you or your dependants.
13. Equal treatment
This policy will be applied in accordance with our Equality and Diversity Policy.
14. Business Travel and Personal Travel
We will take account of government guidance when determining what business travel is appropriate. We will consider alternatives to travelling such as telephone or video conferencing, where feasible.
We may refuse approval for holidays, or withdraw approval already given, if we consider that you are irresponsibly putting yourself at risk.
If you have to be quarantined when you return from abroad and cannot work from home, you are not automatically eligible for statutory sick pay during this period and would therefore be unpaid, unless you meet the required conditions – for example you display symptoms of a contagious disease.
There will be a return to work interview with all employees from overseas holidays to evaluate any risk.
15. Company premises
In response to contagious disease, external visitors to sites and offices maybe restricted unless business critical.
There may also be restrictions placed on visits by internal colleagues to sites unless for an essential business purpose.
16. Transfer and hours of work
If there is an outbreak of a contagious disease which results in significant absenteeism, we may need to transfer you to work on a temporary basis in a different location where additional assistance is required. We may also need you to work for longer than your usual working hours or make changes to shifts. Please refer to your Handbook for your terms and conditions regarding transfer/mobility and hours of work.
17. Our trust in you
If you act in breach of this policy or in a way that we consider to be seriously irresponsible, or withhold important information, we are likely to deal with that as a disciplinary matter, according to our Disciplinary Procedure.
18. Other guidance
In particular situations, we may need to issue you with specific guidance or directions, either via your Manager or information in writing issued to all employees, which are to be considered part of this policy.
19. Any questions
If you have any questions about this policy, please contact your HR team.
December 2022